Welcome to the continuation onto my article on the creepiest Pokedex entries! It's my Christmas present to all of you, so let's dive into more creepy Pokedex entries!
Haunter |
"Its tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes."(Silver) So this Pokemon likes to lick, just like Lickitung or Lickilicky! EXCEPT THESE LICKS CAUSE SEIZURES AND DEATH! Really though, why in a children's game would the creators make such a gruesome and horrible side effect to a lick from something children come in constant contact with in the game! I had a right to be scared of Haunter as a kid, he can kill me with just one stroke of his massive tongue!
Banette |
This entry tells kids never to leave their plushes alone, or else they will turn into freaky Pokemon and come back for your bones. "An abandoned plush doll became this Pokemon." (for some reason) "They are said to live in garbage dumps and wander about in search of the children that threw them away." (Emerald). Ok...what? I'm genuinely confused as to how an abandoned plush doll can magically come to life, and actively search for their previous owner. How is that even a thing? And why do they live in garbage dumps? Is it symbolism here, because that's one hell of a place to put symbolism in a children's game!
Dusclops |
"Dusclops' body is completely hollow." Oh hi Tinman! "There is nothing at all inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This Pokemon will absorb anything into its body, but nothing will ever come back out." (Ruby). I literally have no words for this one. For some reason, Dusclops can absorb whatever he wants into his body, and it will never have a chance of re-emerging. That's screwed up on so many levels. I'm starting to genuinely believe that Game Freak employees were on something when they write the backstories for some of these Pokemon.
Honedge |
"If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely." (Y). I used to think this thing was badass! and in a way, it still is as long as it isn't my life energy that it's pulling. So that means that all of the fan art of people holding their Honedges have all died from having their life force drained, so that's a thing that happened. Good job Game Freak, y'all are murderers!
Phantump |
"According to old tales, these Pokemon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who dies while lost in the forest." (Y) OK! OK! OK! OOOOOOOOOOKAAAYYY! I don't even know what to think anymore! These entries are sick and twisted and just plain scary. This entry is a little bit akin to the Legend of Zelda, where the entry may have originated in its story, but that doesn't make it any less twisted. 1. Children dying in Pokemon, 2. Lost children souls, 3. Children training and capturing other children's spirits on Pokeballs to battle with them. When will this madness end!
Gourgeist |
Not here. "It enwraps its prey in its hair like arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey. (Y). Nothing says I love you quite like a squeeze to the death from a hairy pumpkin! The worst part of this? The freaking thing is singing while it is torturing its prey. That's the first stage of a serial killer my friends, Game Freak needs to be put on some kind of watch list.
Yveltal |
"When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more." (Y). Well that's comforting, my life can come to an end at any time as long as this thing dies. That's great, better say my prayers real quick because Yveltal might just feel like going back into a cocoon because he's tired. That's just great.
Darumaka |
"Darumaka's droppings..." (Pokemon poop?) "are hot..." (too much spicy food...) "so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm." (White). That's freaking gross dude....this shouldn't have been in an entry in Pokemon White, this should have been an entry in Pokemon Brown, because that's freaking poop you are wearing! You don't see New Yorkers stop after they have seen a dog drop a steaming hot dookie and put it in their shirt on a cold winter's day. BECAUSE IT'S GROSS!
That's it for this installment, but there will be a Part 3 to finish up this trilogy, and its probably going to be a long one, so stay tuned! Merry Christmas!
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