What I Think About Crash Bandicoot's Return

So I may be a little late to the party considering that the return of Crash Bandicoot was announced at E3 this year, but as this blog is appropriately named the Bandicoot Banter, and as an avid Crash Bandicoot lover since the day I was born,  I thought I would finally weigh in on my feelings about the Skylanders Game, the Remasters, and the media time that Crash has gotten as of late.

Skylanders Imaginators - Crash Bandicoot Edition

Crash Bandicoot as a playable character in
 Skylanders Imaginators
In the very beginning, when Crash Bandicoot's revival was nothing more than a fantasy in the land of forgotten and thrown away video game franchises, a common phrase was "never in Skylanders"  the video game community had made it very clear that if Crash Bandicoot were to ever return, they didn't want it to be through Skylanders.  However, that is exactly what happened, and people were definitely torn.  When it was announced that Crash Bandicoot was going to be in the next installment of the Skylanders universe, it was met with mixed reviews, but many people stayed hopeful.  The rebirth of Crash Bandicoot is a matter that shouldn't be taken lightly after all, and Activision surely knows that right?  I haven't played the game, but I have seen multiple reviews and reactions online stating that the Crash levels in this game are the strongest points in the game and double as a respectable homage to Crash Bandicoot in his former glory, along with the playable Dr. Neo Cortex playing as a sorcerer as he should be.  Across the board, Skylanders Imaginators has been seen with mixed reviews due to the sub-par story and the microtransaction prompts, however, they don't feel the same on the PS4 due to the addition of the better Crash levels, the nostalgia of playing as Crash again, and the all around better experience on the Crash side of things.  This, in turn, has comforted diehard fans who were skeptical of the rebirth of Crash on this platform, and has proven that in the right hands, Crash Bandicoot can indeed make a successful comeback and become a mascot for the new generation of gaming, and be adored to the same degree as he once was.

Skylanders Academy - Netflix Original Series

Crash Bandicoot in Episode 10 of Skylanders Academy
Ok so this one is actually one of my guilty pleasures.  I stumbled across this series on day while trying to find something on Netflix to watch and I watched a few episodes.  I was pretty invested in the show, until Crash showed up.  Yes. It was that bad.  So let's start from the beginning.  The episode in which Crash first appears is Episode 9 of Season 1: The Skylands are Falling! in which he appears at the very end.  His appearance makes little to no sense, as he literally popped out of nowhere on top of a mound of sheep.  He then begins to talk in a very broken and crummy Australian accent and attempts to coherently explain the plot of his first video game.  Throughout his next appearance in Season 1, Episode 10: Crash Landing, he goes through the Skylands attempting to find a way home and along the way he begins to become Spyro's idol.  Spyro keeps referring to Crash as 'so cool' and 'awesome' after seeing Crash's various antics, moves, and superhero comparisons.  Crash ends up saving Spyro from a kidnapping, and solidifies himself as a 'hero' of the Skylands.  This entire plotline, as well as the characterization of Crash in this show as a whole, is completely ludicrous.  It throws the entire 20 year history of Crash Bandicoot out the window and inserts a fictional 'Crash' (I guess you could call him 'Fake Crash' in this scenario.) This 'Fake Crash' is nowhere near the character we have come to love over the last 20 years; he isn't goofy, he isn't relatable, and he certainly isn't mute.  Honestly I can't stand this rendition of Crash and it just seems as a way to market the remasters (as the events of these episodes are happening at the same time as Crash 1) and nothing more.  Thankfully though, these appearances are not canon in the Crash Bandicoot Universe.

Crash Bandicoot Remasters: The N. Sane Trilogy

As soon as these remasters were announced, I was excited.  This is the thing that I have been waiting for for years and years.  However, having the trailer dropped just a few days ago, I'm more than a little skeptical and nervous.  At the very beginning of the announcement, I felt as if Crash was safe due to the fact that it was just a remaster.  I kept reassuring myself that no developer, no matter how much they tried, could screw up a remaster of a 90s video game.  However, the trailer that was dropped is a little concerning.  For starters, the animations and sprites in the trailer look strikingly similar to Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex's.  This is worrying because the animations, gameplay mechanics, and spacial issues of Wrath of Cortex were some of the biggest aspects of the game's downfall.  If these new remasters were to follow in Wrath of Cortex's footsteps, it would ultimately be the end of Crash simply because it wouldn't be able to be picked up properly by fans and, as a result, would show video game developers that there wasn't as much interest in Crash as they originally thought.  However, it is worth noting that after watching an immense amount of footage that has been released of these new remasters, it does seem to be a little better than anticipated.  It doesn't look like the gameplay mechanics and flow aren't too floaty and it looks like they are extremely similar to the original games.  However, another concerning as well as reassuring aspect is the new voices for the characters.  The voices for N. Brio and Cortex are simply spot on, and the intro cinematic is simply amazing, however, the voice for Crash (or as much as I can tell) is a little weird.  It may be because I am so used to the old voice and his signature 'whoah' but this voice just seems a little off.  I can't really blame the developers strictly because they could not take any of the code from the PS1 due to all of the differentiating systems over time.  So far, everything voice-wise seems promising.  The visuals though, oh my god the visuals.  Absolutely beautiful.  The intro cinematic is gorgeous and the game has amped up everything from the original games and made them blossom into something completely different and beautiful.  All in all, I am still definitely looking forward to this remaster, but I am still very nervous strictly because Crash is so near and dear to my heart.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!


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