Pokemon was a game developed by Game Freak intended for a younger audience, however, gamers of all ages have fallen in love with this catch-em-all game. The main premise for this game is to capture, raise, and train pokemon to their highest potential and battle them against your foes and colleagues. On paper, it sounds barbaric, but they are too cute to be barbaric! For the most part anyway...let's face it some of them are just downright creepy. Their backstories and intentions get even creepier, so we're here to discuss the creepiest pokedex entries of pokemon. There is a long list of Pokemon with creepy entries, and I know a lot of you have busy lives, so I'll be posting these in parts in order to save some of your time and give your eyes a bit of relief.
Kadabra |
Kadabra's pokedex entry in Pokemon Fire Red is an entry that is definitely shrouded in mystery and confusion. The entry reads "It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into Kadabra." This entry makes little sense due to the fact that Kadabra is the second evolution in its evolutionary chain, following Abra. Does this mean that the boy was really an Abra who woke up one morning and had evolved? Or is there something more to this entry? This is sadly something we will probably never know, but one thing's for sure....it's downright creepy.
Drowzee |
Another psychic-type Pokemon, Drowzee is infamous for looking like a sleepy elephant (no, we're not talking about Snorlax). His Pokemon Silver entry reads "It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier." So Drowzee not only eats dreams, but it prefers the dreams of children? That's just plain screwed up and definitely grounds for nightmare fuel. Once children's dreams are removed, all there is left to have are blank sleeps or nightmares. Having a nightmare night after night is definitely devastating to a child, so thanks for that Drowzee.
Lampent |
Surely a ghostly lamp couldn't be that horrifying could it? Let's read its entry from Pokemon Black 2: "The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on."
So this Pokemon fuels itself on souls. I wasn't aware it was the Millennium Ring (badum-tish). All jokes aside, in a universe like Pokemon, this is especially twisted. Not only does the flame inside of this Pokemon burn on lost souls, this Pokemon goes looking for them. It lurks in hospitals waiting for the souls of people who are going to die soon. But hey, it could be worse! He could be Bakura and actively try to kill people in order to retrieve their souls...
Yamask |
This Pokemon honestly creeped me out the very first time I saw it, but it served me well in my adventure through Pokemon Black. Maybe it was because it could relate to me as a human? Let's look at the entry from Pokemon Black: "Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry." Ok what? Doubling back to the Kadabra entry, why are so many humans turning into Pokemon all of a sudden? Is there some unkown (hehe) link between the two that have gone undetected and undiscovered? Or are these all just mythical legends. Whatever the case is, I'm kinda scared that I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and turn into a Weepinbell. It's ok little Yamask, I'd cry too if I were looking at my own face made of stone...I'll hold you. Oh wait. You're a ghost. Sorry bud.
Gorebyss |
Most of these Pokemon types have either been Ghost or Psychic, which is pretty much predictable and expected to have kinda screwy backgrounds. But what about Gorebyss? Surely this Pokemon can't have this much of a screwed up entry.... "Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this Pokémon inserts its thin mouth into the prey's body and drains the prey of its body fluids." (Pokemon Sapphire). Ok I was wrong. It seems that the Pokemon world isn't all that different from the real world in the fact that it is truly a dog eat dog world out there, and when a Gorebyss is hungry, it's hungry. I guess the same could be said for Lampent...but bodily fluids are a lot different than souls.
Drifloon |
This Pokemon has two equally twisted entries that come in two flavors: Eternity Eclaire and Disappearing Dream. Its entry from Heart Gold reads "It is whispered that any child who mistakes Drifloon for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing." and its entry from Black 2 reads "These Pokémon are called the "Signpost for Wandering Spirits." Children holding them sometimes vanish." Really though, what is it with these Pokemon and picking on children? Especially when these children are trying to train them to fight to the death...oh wait.
Cacturne |
Being centered around children, you would think that there wouldn't be such a thing as a stalker Pokemon. However, that is exactly what a herd of Cacturne is. The entry from Pokemon Sapphire is as follows: "If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving." What's creepier still is that there are several instances in the games in which the protagonist is in the middle of the desert, and depending on when you play, it can be late at night. Does this mean that even as the protagonist, if you stop in the desert late at night, you could be assaulted and viciously shanked by a herd of Cacturne? That's scary stuff man...
And that's Part 1 of the creepiest Pokedex Entries in the Pokemon Universe. I'll be making a second part soon, so you can get more of your creepypasta fill! Hope you enjoyed!
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