Many Star Wars fans are anticipating the seventh installment of the Star Wars cinematic universe: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Offical Poster |
The trailers of this film have received positive feedback and because of them, fans everywhere are dripping with anticipation of the film. However, there is one missing link in all of the trailers that fans have definitely noticed. One man, one oh so important man is missing from all of the trailers, and that man is the destroyer of the Death Star, the vanquisher of Vader, the balance of the force himself: Luke Skywalker. The main character of the original trilogy, which this movie is a sequel to, is strangely absent in the trailers for the film, which has raised some major questions from fans everywhere.
So where is Luke Skywalker? We all know that Mark Hamill is playing a role in the film, so we do know that Luke will be somewhere in the film. But the real question is, why hasn't J.J Abrams shown the slightest glimpse of our favorite Jedi Knight?
There seems to be an insurmountable amount of evidence that Luke Skywalker is none other than Kylo Ren, the man portrayed to be the main antagonist of Episode VII. During Episodes V and VI, there was a little bit of experimentation with Luke battling his own dark side, as his father did in Episodes II and III. Inevitably, Anakin Skywalker crossed the threshold of the dark side and became Darth Vader, so could it be possible that Luke followed in his father's footsteps knowing that his father, a man that he once respected the memory of, fell to the dark side? The answer is, absolutely. Luke could have crossed to the dark side due to a number of major factors. For starters, a major plotpoint in Episode V was that Luke was in danger of falling to the dark side if he let his emotions concerning the fate of Leia and Han Solo get in the way of his better judgement. He leaves Yoda before his training is complete, which is a sign that his inner emotions are controlling his judgement, which is the beginning signs of a Sith.
Kylo Ren, antagonist for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens |
Another aspect that supports this theory is that the Jedi Master Yoda believes that there is an age limit in which people can be trained to become a Jedi, because once they reach a certain age, people will naturally rely on their feelings and emotions to make judgements. This is exactly what Luke does in Episode V, and this is one of the aspects about Luke that makes Yoda believe that he cannot be trained in the light side of the force. Luke definitely relies on his emotions to make judgements and defies the Jedi Code on a daily basis. In doing so, he will naturally feel like a failure in the ways of the Jedi and would naturally want to reach his fullest potential, as his father did. The possibility that Luke has followed in his father's footsteps is very strong (get it? it's a force pun.), however there are some things that definitely debunk this theory. First off, in Episode V when Vader and Luke are in the vents, Luke says "I'll never join you." This is a very shaky bit of evidence for sure, but at the very least it shows the respect and foundation that Luke has toward the Jedi ways. Luke wants to stay a Jedi, at least at that point in time. However, with 30 years between Episodes VI and VII, opinions on this matter can definitely change.
So let's talk about Kylo Ren for a moment. According to Wookiepedia, Kylo Ren was born sometime after the Battle of Endor. This sentence in and of itself has some evidence as to whether or not Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren. It can be taken one of two ways: The first way it can be taken is that the man who is Kylo Ren was brought into the world sometime of the Battle of Endor, which would completely debunk the Luke is Kylo Ren theory due to Luke Skywalker's major role in the Battle of Endor. However, the second way that this sentence can be taken is that the Kylo Ren alias was born after the Battle of Endor.
Luke Skywalker |
It has been stated before that Anakin Skywalker died by the hand of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that was when Darth Vader was born, so this could be a similar manner in the Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren debate. The alias Luke Skywalker could have died after his role in the battle of Endor and the alias Kylo Ren could have been given to life because of it.
So at this point, the evidence that Luke Skywalker is actually Kylo Ren is definitely astounding. However, what if I told you that J.J Abrams is just leading us down the garden path? What if I told you that J.J Abrams is making this whole connection part of an elaborate ruse in order to make us think that Luke has turned evil? There may be a good amount of evidence to support that Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren, but that evidence has been expertly planted by George Lucas, Irvin Kreshner (Director of Star Wars Episode V), Richard Marquand (Director of Star Wars Episode VI), and J.J Abrams. What if I told you that Luke Skywalker is still very much so a defender of the light? Don't believe me? Well let's talk about it.
It has been revealed by J.J. Abrams that because of the amount of time that has passed between Episodes VI and VII that the events of Episodes IV, V, and VI are something of an urban legend to the common people and force users. This may have been because everyone pretty much dropped off of the map after Episode VI.
Han Solo and Princess Leia Skywalker |
With Yoda and Obi-Wan dead, Leia and Han together doing their own thing, and Luke not wanting to draw attention to himself, there is really no one to tell their story. I would start going expanded universe up in here, but the the filmmakers have already expressed that the expanded universe concerning these characters are no longer canon. Instead, we'll just go off of what we know from the films. So with a new evil rising in Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker probably needed to keep his low profile in order to find and attempt to kill Kylo Ren. With Luke and Leia still having close connections, as well as probably a force connection, Luke and Leia probably coordinated with themselves as well as Han and Chewy to bring the band back together and stop Kylo Ren.
Adam Driver
Kylo Ren in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens |
So what do I have to support this? It's a small lead, but on Youtube, Mark Hamill went out on Hollywood Blvd dressed as a Stormtrooper calling the gear "My Stormtrooper outfit." This may have been a very small lead, but just enough of a lead to give us a hint that not only did Mark Hamill have a Stormtrooper outfit fitted for him, but he called it his own. If that is the case, this suit is probably a prop that Mark Hamill uses in the film.
Not only that, but Kylo Ren has an actor dedicated to him, a man by the name of Adam Driver. It wouldn't make much sense for Driver to play Kylo Ren for one or two films, and then ultimately put Mark Hamill in as Kylo Ren for the reveal, because they have different body types. So in short, it is not what is in the movie that we should care about, it is the behind the scenes shenanigans and small hint drops on and off set that we should be looking for to determine the fates of both Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, in conclusion, will probably come into play as a stormtrooper in disguise that will eventually help in the fight against Kylo Ren.
Let me know what you guys thought of my little theory! Hope you guys enjoyed!
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