Welcome Back

Well, it's been a short break, but here I am at the public library being one of those guys who feels he has to write so strongly that he has to take to a public place to do so.  I have to say, I never thought I'd be one of those people that wrote their 'all important' pieces at a Starbucks, but here I am.  The only difference is that I don't think I'm that much of an arrogant A-hole, and the fact that instead of being surrounded by overpriced mocha-latte-ccinnos, I'm surrounded by books and movies.  And, as luck would have it, this library has free wi-fi and I have a laptop, so huzzah! I was actually beginning to miss writing about the smallest things that irk me and the things that I care very deeply about, which is geek culture.  So with that, I would like to re-introduce the blog to the people who care, which is a surprising amount of people.  Honestly I didn't think anyone read this thing, but I have a few hits on all of my posts, so thank you to the people who like my writing, it really does mean a great deal to me.  I'll be back to the regular schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, so yay for that. :)


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