My Thoughts on the Sony Playstation Mini Wired Control Pad

For those of you who don't know (because you're probably getting sleep while us insomniacs out there are up at 4:30 in the morning searching the internet) Sony has unveiled their new controller for the PS4, and its definitely not what you'd expect. What is it? Sony has unveiled their new Mini Wired Control Pad to target younger gamers, as their hands are typically smaller than the teenagers and younger adults (or even fully grown adults, I'm not judging) that are usually found playing video games. The Mini Wired Control Pad is exactly what it sounds like, a smaller, more compact version of the standard Dualshock 4 controller we're all used to playing. This smaller and more compact controller is definitely a change to the standard design that Sony has had for their controllers over the years, and here are some of the features of the new controller, as well as some of the things that were taken away and the disadvantages of it. Features As I mentioned b...